This is a NON-REGULATED, mechanical electronic-cigarette or mod. Failure to use this product as directed in the following section can result in fire hazard  due to battery or heating-coil failure. These hazards can result in serious injury and/or death, including but not limited to serious burns or blunt-force trauma. Safe operation of this device requires advanced and working knowledge of heating coils, battery safety, and Ohm’s Law; without working knowledge of the aforementioned concepts, you are not qualified to use this device and should immediately return this device to the manufacturer for a full refund. This product is intended for use ONLY by experienced users of mechanical electronic-cigarettes commonly referred to as “vape(s)”, “mech(s)”, “mod(s)” or “squonk(s)”.

Directions for Safe Usage of This Product:

    1    Use only 18650/21700-sized lithium-ion batteries that have a Continuous Discharge Rate (CDR) of greater than or equal to 25 amps, purchased from a reputable manufacturer and/or vendor. Insert the battery into the device positive-side-down. DO NOT rely on so-called “pulse ratings” or other similarly-termed ratings. Make sure all battery manufacturer claims have been verified by an independent third party.

    2    DO NOT use batteries that have damaged or dented casings or covers.

    3    DO NOT use batteries of which the voltage lies outside of the range of 3.5-4.2 volts (V).

    4    Pressing the fire button on this device SHALL NOT exceed 5 seconds.

    5    Use only heating coils that have a resistance-rating of greater than or equal to 0.12 ohms (Ω). 

    6    DO NOT rely on manufacturer resistance ratings of coils. Before installation, test each coil yourself using a resistance-reader specifically designed for use with electronic-cigarette heating coils. Only after you have personally determined that the resistance meets or exceeds the aforementioned standard may the coil(s) be deemed suitable for use with this product.

    7    When the product is not in use, remove the battery and engage the connection-lock by turning the button counter-clockwise.

    8    DO NOT transport this electronic cigarette with a battery installed in the device. Before transportation in places such as a pocket or bag, the battery must be removed and MUST be placed in a container specifically designed for carrying batteries. DO NOT carry or store unenclosed batteries in pockets or other spaces not designed for safely carrying batteries.

    9    DO NOT allow this product to exceed temperatures of 40 degrees Celsius (104 degrees Fahrenheit). In the event this product or the installed battery exceeds the stated temperature limit, remove the battery, and place the battery and electronic-cigarette in a non-flammable area, and then move all living things to a safe distance. After the battery has cooled to a safe temperature, dispose of the battery in an approved battery recycling receptacle.



Demon Mods (the “Company”) offers its products with the terms, conditions and notices as follows. The following terms and conditions apply to all sales and uses. Please review carefully. These terms and conditions include limited warranties and disclaimers of liabilities. Keeping, using or allowing use of Demon Mod’s products indicates your agreement to these terms. If you do not wish to agree to these terms, you have 14 days from the date of purchase to return the unused product.

Terms of use

This product is offered to you conditioned upon your acceptance without modification of the terms, conditions, and notices contained herein.

Exclusive Obligation

This product has been designed for a variety of uses, but was neither designed nor manufactured as a product for lethal purposes. This product may not be used for unlawful purposes and that use is expressly prohibited under the terms and conditions of its use.

Use limitation

You may not modify, copy, distribute, transmit, display, perform, reproduce, publish, license, create derivative works from, transfer, or sell, any information, software, products or services obtained, from Demon Mods  website or its products.

Lifetime Guarantee Warranty

This product is warranted against any manufactured defect for life.  Additionally, we will repair or replace the mod 3 times due to accidental damage following the submission of a video where we determine if we will repair or replace.

High Risk Activity 

Products sold by the Company include equipment used in electronic cigarettes or e-cigarettes, commonly referred to as “vaping”. Participation in this activity is associated with a high level of risk. Risks include but are not limited to serious physical injury, disability and/or death. You participate in this activity at your own risk.

Assumption of Risk

By buying, using, or allowing the use of the Company products, you understand and agree that electronic cigarette activities including vaping are high risk activities and, to the extent permitted by law, YOU EXPRESSLY AND VOLUNTARILY ASSUME THE RISK OF DEATH OR OTHER PERSONAL INJURY SUSTAINED WHILE PARTICIPATING IN SUCH ACTIVITIES WHETHER OR NOT CAUSED BY THE NEGLIGENCE OR OTHER FAULT OF the Company including but not limited to equipment malfunction from whatever cause, or any other fault of the Company. Additionally, you agree to indemnify, defend, and hold the Company harmless from any third party claims arising from such High Risk Activities or any other the Company products.

Product Modification

Modification of products, such as mechanical electronic cigarettes, through the use or misuse of the Company products can lead to product malfunction causing serious risk. Risks include but are not limited to product damage, serious physical injury, disability and/or death. You are responsible for any modifications you perform on your or anyone else’s electronic cigarette using the Company products. the Company is not responsible and will not be held liable for any modifications done to products, such as electronic cigarettes, through the use or misuse of its product, even if the modifications include but are not limited to, bypassing or eliminating product safety features, installing parts that go against the product manufacturer safety regulation and standards, and/or improper installation and adjustment of the Company products.

Limitation of Liability

As set forth above under the limited warranty provisions, the Company liability is limited to repair or replacement of its products which are returned to it in the specified period of time. In no event shall the Company liability exceed the value of the product(s) sold. In no event shall the Company be liable for any direct, indirect, punitive, incidental, special or consequential damages whatsoever arising out of or connected with the use or misuse of any of its products.


Use and misuse of products sold by the Company involves serious risks including injury, disability and death. Purchasers assume all risks.

Inspect Before Each Use

This product must be inspected for use to ensure it has not been damaged in shipment. If damaged, do not use and immediately return the product to the Company for a replacement.

Entire Obligation 

The PRODUCT LIABILITY DISCLAIMER document states the entire obligation of the Company with respect to the products. If any part of this disclaimer is determined to be void, invalid, unenforceable or illegal, including, but not limited to the warranty disclaimers and liability disclaimers and liability limitations set forth above, then the invalid or unenforceable provision will be deemed superseded by a valid, enforceable provision that most closely matches the intent of the original provision and the remainder of the agreement shall remain in full force and effect.

Modification of Terms and Conditions 

the Company reserves the right to change the terms, conditions, and notices under which its products are offered.